Keep up with your performance in the league with a game-by-game breakdown of your stats by totals and metrics.
Get the info you need to win your next game! Full stats taken with software that auto calculates percentages and metrics, giving you a full breakdown of players and teams. See who’s top 5 for each stat. View, search & sort stats for all players by totals, per game percentages and metrics. View game results for a summary of a team’s scoring ability.
Get a set of 10 customized jerseys for FREE if your team registration fee is paid in full by April 30, 2024. We can work with you on a design, or we can create the design for you. After jersey deadline, jerseys can be purchased for $25 each.
Straight to the meat & potatoes…Full game recaps, showing most of the buckets and top plays, posted to YouTube for every game. Recaps are powered by 7 Cities Hooptape.
You might go viral! Video highlights are posted daily to Instagram & Tiktok. Highlights are powered by 7 Cities Hooptape.
Professional photos taken and made available for download. Get tagged in some action shots and/or download your own!
Want a name? Then earn it…Everyone will know who you are after the exiting play by play game commentary by the talented Jody Ryan. The perfect blend of play-by-play action and humor to keep you engaged and entertained.
Did you have the best performance of the game? Let’s talk about it…The player that accomplished the most towards their team’s win will be interviewed by Jody Ryan. The interview will be posted to our Instagram story.
Recognition of the player that had the best performance of the week. Your photo/graphic and stats will be posted on Instagram as well as a video highlight of the work you put in.
Let us put some Respect on ya name! Acknowledgements for league leaders, record breakers and unique accomplishments. Earn an award: MVP, Scoring Title, Sniper (most 3’s made), Cookie Monster (most steals), Dimer (most assists), Rebound King, Mutombo Award (most blocks),
Put your money where your mouth is! Compete with the league’s top shooters and anyone else that thinks they have what it takes to win. Cash to enter, winner takes the bag!
Face off for 3 rounds, showcasing your best dunks to win the cash prize!
Win the Chip to be named “Only The Strong” and get that Championship Trophy, Championship Tee’s, other gear and pop bottles! Also get a custom Championship graphic and a video highlight of your rise to the throne!
Top players of the league will be selected for an Allstar Team to play vs a team foreign to Virginia Hoop League.